Types of Celestial Bodies

Dwarf Planets

Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that orbit the Sun, but unlike planets, they do not have enough gravitational force to clear their orbit of other objects. They are typically smaller than regular planets.

Name Number of Moons Diameter Orbit Period Discovered
Pluto 5 2,377 km 248 years 1930
Eris 1 2,326 km 557 years 2005
Ceres 0 940 km 4.6 Earth years 1801
Haumea 2 1,632 km 283 years 2008
Makemake 1 1,430 km 305 years 2005

Fun Fact: Pluto was once considered the ninth planet in our solar system but was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union.


Planets are large celestial bodies that orbit the Sun. They are massive enough to be spherical in shape due to their own gravity and have cleared their orbits of other debris.

Name Number of Moons Diameter Orbit Period Discovered
Mercury 0 4,880 km 88 days Known since antiquity
Venus 0 12,104 km 225 days Known since antiquity
Earth 1 12,742 km 365.25 days Known since antiquity
Mars 2 6,779 km 687 days Known since antiquity
Jupiter 79 139,820 km 11.9 years Known since antiquity
Saturn 83 116,460 km 29.5 years Known since antiquity
Uranus 27 50,724 km 84 years 1781
Neptune 14 49,244 km 165 years 1846

Fun Fact: Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is so massive that it could fit all the other planets inside it!

Other Celestial Bodies

Aside from planets and dwarf planets, the universe is home to a variety of fascinating celestial bodies such as moons, comets, asteroids, and stars. Here's a brief look at each:


Moons, also called natural satellites, are objects that orbit planets and dwarf planets. For example, Earth's moon is our closest celestial neighbor.

Fun Fact: Jupiter’s moon Europa is believed to have a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust, which could potentially support life!


Comets are icy bodies that originate from the outer solar system. As they approach the Sun, they heat up and release gas and dust, forming a bright tail. The most famous comet is Halley's Comet, which is visible from Earth roughly every 76 years.


Asteroids are small rocky bodies, mostly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They are remnants from the early solar system and can vary in size from small pebbles to objects hundreds of kilometers in diameter.


Stars are massive, luminous balls of gas that generate energy through nuclear fusion. The Sun, our closest star, is the source of life on Earth. There are billions of stars in our galaxy alone!

Fun Fact: A star's color indicates its temperature, with blue stars being the hottest and red stars being the coolest.